ESG Management

SUHRYUNG's Policies

1. Sustainable management policy

Suhryung Machinery Co., Ltd. has a lively human being and Through corporate management for a healthy planet, Actively practice living together.

With the company members!
With nature!
With the community!

2. Human rights management

Human Rights Management Principles of SUHRYUNG

  1. Respect for Human Rights
    • SUHRYUNG respects the human rights of all stakeholders, including employees, the company, suppliers, and customers, and makes every effort to prevent any acts that could infringe or abuse human rights.
    • SUHRYUNG does not engage in any verbal, physical, or visual behavior that may cause discomfort to others, including acts of sexual harassment that violate individual human rights.
  2. Respect for Diversity and Prohibition of Discrimination 
    • SUHRYUNG prohibits any form of discrimination based on race, religion, disability, gender, education, age, physical condition, country of origin, region, political views, or any other factors related to business activities, and respects diversity.
    • SUHRYUNG ensures equal opportunities for all employees in recruitment, promotion, training, and compensation, and strives to improve discriminatory systems and practices. It also works to support the protection of female workers' maternity rights and work-life balance.
  3. Prohibition of Forced Labor 
    • SUHRYUNG does not compel any form of labor that restricts individual freedom through mental or physical coercion, including slavery, human trafficking, and debt bondage. The company also does not require the transfer of personal identification, passports, or work permits as a condition for employment.
  4. Prohibition of Child Labor 
    • SUHRYUNG complies with UNICEF's Children’s Rights and Business Principles (CRBP), the labor principles recommended by the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the labor laws of each country where it operates. The company does not employ children or adolescents under the age of 15. Furthermore, it does not assign night shifts, overtime, or any hazardous or harmful work to employees under the age of 18.
  5. Guarantee of Freedom of Association 
    • SUHRYUNG guarantees freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining under the laws and regulations of the country and region where the workplace is located, and does not give unfair treatment due to the formation, membership, activities, etc. of labor unions.It aims for co-prosperity based on trust between the private sector.
  6. Health and Safety
    • SUHRYUNG ensures compliance with the laws and regulations regarding the freedom of association and collective bargaining in the countries and regions where it operates. It guarantees the right to form, join, and engage in activities with labor unions without discrimination. The company strives for mutual prosperity based on trust between labor and management.
  7. Wages
    • SUHRYUNG ensures that the wages of all employees exceed the minimum wage set by the laws and regulations of the countries and regions where the company operates.
  8. Working Hours 
    • SUHRYUNG adheres to the standard working hours and overtime regulations set by the laws and regulations of the countries and regions where it operates. The company does not force employees to work beyond legal working hours and provides fair compensation for work performed. 
  9. Protection of Local Residents' Human Rights 
    • SUHRYUNG manages its operations to ensure that the human rights of local residents, such as their environment, health and safety, and freedom of residence, are not violated. The company also listens to public opinions in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and respects the autonomy and traditional values of the local community. 
  10. Protection of Customer Rights
    • SUHRYUNG ensures that customers' lives, health, and safety are not compromised by the products and services it provides, adhering to legal standards to ensure the necessary precautions.
  11. Guarantee of Environmental Rights 
    • SUHRYUNG recognizes environmental management and energy as essential elements of its business activities and works toward achieving a sustainable, low-carbon, environmentally-friendly economy as a responsible corporate citizen. 
    • The company strives to use natural resources and by-products efficiently and works to restore natural ecosystems and preserve biodiversity.

3. Occupational Health and Safety Management 

SUHRYUNG's Occupational Health and Safety Management Policy: "If you lose safety, you lose everything" – Family love! Safety first! 

Based on the management philosophy of respecting human beings, SUHRYUNG has established an occupational health and safety management system to provide a safe and comfortable environment for all stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, and customers, while carrying out various activities aimed at promoting health. 

  1. By establishing and implementing an occupational health and safety management system, SUHRYUNG collaborates with employees to create a workplace free of accidents and a comfortable working environment. The company regularly inspects safety and health activities and their implementation processes to continuously improve them. By establishing and implementing an occupational health and safety management system, SUHRYUNG collaborates with employees to create a workplace free of accidents and a comfortable working environment.
  2. SUHRYUNG strictly complies with all relevant domestic and international laws, regulations, and agreements related to safety and health and ensures that work is never carried out without guaranteeing the health and safety of employees under any circumstances. 
  3. SUHRYUNG frequently checks safety and health factors such as the handling of hazardous chemicals, workplace noise, and vibration, and is thoroughly prepared to respond immediately in the event of an emergency.
  4. To effectively manage occupational health and safety, SUHRYUNG continuously conducts education and training and enhances overall credibility by communicating with stakeholders.
  5. SUHRYUNG prioritizes health for all stakeholders, including customers, employees, and suppliers, and practices health management through a corporate culture of human respect.

4. Responsible Mineral Sourcing Declaration

SUHRYUNG prohibits the use of conflict minerals (tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold) and cobalt that are mined and distributed unethically under the influence of armed groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo and its neighboring regions, where human rights violations and environmental destruction occur. We will independently verify whether the products we produce are sourced from RMAP-certified smelters and will conduct ongoing monitoring each year. Additionally, for products developed in the future, we will pre-verify whether minerals are sourced from certified smelters to ensure they can be sold and will strengthen our management accordingly.

Environmental Management and Green Business Policy

SUHRYUNG recognizes the protection of the global environment and addressing climate change as key aspects of its business activities. As a responsible corporate citizen, SUHRYUNG is committed to realizing a sustainable low-carbon, environmentally friendly economy and will implement the following practices:

  1. SUHRYUNG will lead climate change response efforts based on a green management strategy framework and will build a green management foundation. 
  2. SUHRYUNG acknowledges the importance of protecting the global environment and works to minimize greenhouse gas emissions in its products and services, while also focusing on water conservation, marine ecosystem preservation, forest/biodiversity protection, air pollution reduction, harmful substance and waste reduction, energy conservation, and expanding recycling efforts. 
  3. SUHRYUNG complies with international environmental initiatives, international standards (ISO), and environmental regulations in major countries worldwide. It will establish internal standards that exceed regulatory requirements to continually enhance its performance at a global level. 
  4. SUHRYUNG operates an environmentally friendly system throughout its entire business process, minimizing environmental impact and offering differentiated value to its customers.
  5. SUHRYUNG has established a comprehensive environmental management system (DMS) to conduct regular checks and diagnostics, ensuring a pleasant working environment and contributing to the company’s sustainable growth.
  6. SUHRYUNG actively supports green management improvement programs for its suppliers and local communities, fulfilling its corporate social responsibility and transparently disclosing relevant information to stakeholders.

5. SUHRYUNG Green Management Policy

SUHRYUNG recognizes the protection of the global environment and addressing climate change as key aspects of its business activities. As a responsible corporate citizen, SUHRYUNG is committed to realizing a sustainable low-carbon, environmentally friendly economy and will implement the following practices: 

  1. SUHRYUNG will lead climate change response efforts based on a green management strategy framework and will build a foundation for green management.
  2. SUHRYUNG acknowledges the importance of protecting the global environment and works to minimize greenhouse gas emissions in its products and services, while also focusing on water conservation, marine ecosystem preservation, forest/biodiversity protection, air pollution reduction, harmful substance and waste reduction, energy conservation, and expanding recycling efforts. 
  3. SUHRYUNG complies with international environmental initiatives, international standards (ISO), and environmental regulations in major countries worldwide. It will establish internal standards that exceed regulatory requirements to continually enhance its performance at a global level.
    SUHRYUNG operates an environmentally friendly system throughout its entire business process, minimizing environmental impact and offering differentiated value to its customers.
  4. SUHRYUNG has established a comprehensive environmental management system (DMS) to conduct regular checks and diagnostics, ensuring a pleasant working environment and contributing to the company’s sustainable growth.
  5. SUHRYUNG actively supports green management improvement programs for its suppliers and local communities, fulfilling its corporate social responsibility and transparently disclosing relevant information to stakeholders.

6. Ethical (Compliance) Management

SUHRYUNG values ethical management as one of its core principles, and all employees recognize the importance of ethical values as a standard for desirable decision-making and actions. They actively practice the company's ethical charter and ethical code of conduct. 

SUHRYUNG Ethical Charter

  1. Based on the green management strategy framework, SUHRYUNG leads climate change response efforts and builds a foundation for green management.  
  2. SUHRYUNG acknowledges the importance of protecting the global environment and works to minimize greenhouse gas emissions in its products and services, while also focusing on water conservation, marine ecosystem preservation, forest/biodiversity protection, air pollution reduction, harmful substance and waste reduction, energy conservation, and expanding recycling efforts.
  3. SUHRYUNG complies with international environmental initiatives, international standards (ISO), and environmental regulations in major countries worldwide. The company establishes internal standards that go beyond regulatory requirements to enhance its performance at a global level.
    SUHRYUNG operates an environmentally friendly system throughout its entire business process, minimizing environmental impact and offering differentiated value to its customers.
  4. SUHRYUNG has established a comprehensive environmental management system (DMS) to conduct regular checks and diagnostics, ensuring a pleasant working environment and contributing to the company’s sustainable growth.
  5. SUHRYUNG actively supports green management improvement programs for its suppliers and local communities, fulfilling its corporate social responsibility and transparently disclosing relevant information to stakeholders.

7. Sustainable Supply Chain 

Based on the management philosophy that "the competitiveness of external suppliers contributes to the growth of SUHRYUNG," the company strives to establish a sustainable supply chain by promoting win-win cooperation grounded in ethical management and corporate citizenship.

SUHRYUNG Win-Win Cooperation Policy

  1. Based on the green management strategy framework, SUHRYUNG leads climate change response efforts and builds a foundation for green management.
  2. SUHRYUNG acknowledges the importance of protecting the global environment and works to minimize greenhouse gas emissions in its products and services, while also focusing on water conservation, marine ecosystem preservation, forest/biodiversity protection, air pollution reduction, harmful substance and waste reduction, energy conservation, and expanding recycling efforts.
  3. SUHRYUNG complies with international environmental initiatives, international standards (ISO), and environmental regulations in major countries worldwide. The company establishes internal standards that exceed regulatory requirements to enhance its performance at a global level.
    SUHRYUNG operates an environmentally friendly system throughout its entire business process, minimizing environmental impact and offering differentiated value to its customers.
  4. SUHRYUNG has established a comprehensive environmental management system (DMS) to conduct regular checks and diagnostics, ensuring a pleasant working environment and contributing to the company’s sustainable growth.
  5. SUHRYUNG actively supports green management improvement programs for its suppliers and local communities, fulfilling its corporate social responsibility and transparently disclosing relevant information to stakeholders.

Environmental Policy and Environmental Goals

SUHRYUNG recognizes that environmental management is a key pillar for sustainable development. To implement eco-friendly management, the company has announced its environmental policy, introduced an environmental management system, and continuously strives to improve the level of environmental management.

Environmental Policy 

In accordance with ISO 14001:2015, SUHRYUNG commits to ensuring that all environmental impacts associated with the production, transportation, sales, and service activities of its products are carried out within the permissible limits of relevant regulations. The following principles will be adhered to:

  1. Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection 
    • SUHRYUNG will minimize environmental impacts from the production, transportation, delivery, and disposal stages of products. It will reduce the emission of substances harmful to the environment and take a leadership role in environmental protection.

  2. Compliance with Environmental Requirements 
    • SUHRYUNG will strictly comply with environmental regulations that apply directly to production and transportation processes, as well as the requirements of customers, stakeholders, and other relevant entities.
  3. Continuous Improvement of the Environmental Management System 
    • Through lifecycle assessments (LCA) of raw material procurement, product production, transportation, usage, and disposal, SUHRYUNG will identify environmental impacts and continuously carry out environmental improvement activities.
  4. Foundation for Environmental Goals 
    • SUHRYUNG will communicate the environmental policy to all employees and set achievable environmental goals, ensuring that these goals are actively pursued and implemented.
  5. Public Environmental Management 
    • SUHRYUNG will openly disclose its environmental policy and environmental management information to stakeholders, encouraging active participation and practicing transparent environmental management.

Environmental Management Objectives 

Our company aims to achieve the environmental policy, minimize the significant environmental impacts caused by all activities, products, and services, and continuously improve environmental performance.

Efficient Use of Resources
Reduce the consumption of resources such as electricity and paper through efficient use of resources.
Minimization of Pollutant EmissionsReduce the emission of pollutants, thereby decreasing the amount of paper waste and general waste generated.
Strengthening Environmental ManagementEnhance the environmental management system by implementing and providing training to strengthen awareness, and continuously advance the environmental management system.

Environmental Management SUHRYUNG Green Purchasing Policy 

SUHRYUNG fulfills its social responsibility for environmental conservation and natural resource preservation through green purchasing activities, contributing to social welfare. By progressively increasing the scale of green purchasing, SUHRYUNG practices eco-friendly management and promotes sustainable growth. 

  1. SUHRYUNG carries out green purchasing activities based on the principles of integrity and trust.
  2. SUHRYUNG’s green purchasing considers environmental friendliness throughout the entire process, including supply, transportation, and unloading, and prioritizes the purchase of eco-friendly products when possible.
  3. To strengthen environmental management practices, SUHRYUNG actively encourages the purchase of green products, initially focusing on sub-materials and consumables to implement green purchasing.
  4. SUHRYUNG continuously monitors the performance of green purchasing and carries out ongoing activities to identify eco-friendly products and reduce environmental impacts, with the aim of expanding the practice across the entire organization for sustainable growth.
  5. SUHRYUNG leads green purchasing activities by discovering and introducing eco-friendly materials to promote sustainable environmental development.

Company SuhRyung Machinery Co., Ltd.

Address (50568)100, Sanmakgongdannam 11-gil, Yangsan-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea (Formerly: 102-8 Bukjeong-dong)

Email     Tel (+82)55-388-0701/0703     Quality Control&A/S (+82) 55-388-0776

FAX(Inquiry) (+82) 55-384-3941      Personal information management JONGRAE CHO

Copyright ⓒ SuhRyung Machinery Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

SuhRyung Machinery Co., Ltd.     

(50568)100, Sanmakgongdannam 11-gil, Yangsan-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea
(Formerly: 102-8 Bukjeong-dong)     


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